The New Testament

The American Standard Version of the Holy Bible

The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible was first published in 1901. It has earned the reputation of being the Rock of Biblical Honesty. Although the English used in the ASV is somewhat archaic, it isn't nearly as hard to understand as some passages of the King James Version of nearly 3 centuries earlier. This translation of the Holy Bible is in the public domain, since its copyright has expired. You are encouraged to download, copy, publish, and use this translation freely.

Please click the figure below by right button of the mouse and choose from the menu "Save target as". The browser starts to download free Holy Bible - New Testament in handy pdf-format. You can search the text by using the find-function and copy and paste text through the clip board. Size of the file is about 1128 kb.

Holy Bible - New Testament

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Front Page
Happened in May
Meaning of Life
Life to Jesus
Birthday Cake
Evil in World
Ivan Panin
Family Tree
Hidden Words
Noah's Ark
Seeing Noah's Ark
Measures of Noah's Ark
Big Fish