Holy Bible Is Divine

Russian scientist Ivan Panin proved that Holy Bible is divine

You have a great opportunity to download a free copy of the Holy Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament by using the links on bottom of this page.

It's a fact that Holy Bible is divine. Only God can create such texts. A human being hasn't been able to do it. Russian scientist Ivan Panin proved this by use of Bible numerics and probability of exceedance. Ivan Panin emigrated from Russia to USA as an nihilist. There he found Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord. Once when he read Holy Bible in original language he started to wonder why God's name was written differently in different places of the text.

Holy Bible - Old Testament

Click the picture above to open a page for free download of Old Testament of the Holy Bible.

Each of the letters of the original languages, Hebrew and Greek, have different number value. Every word has thus two meaning levels, linguistic and mathematical level. Ivan Panin started to study the mathematical level of the text and made a discovery.

Number values of the words of the text form many numerical phenomena. One sentence consists many different phenomena. Scientists calculated what is the probability of these phenomena to exist by accident simultaneously in the same sentence and got so small probability that only conclusion was that no man is able to write such a sentence and such a text.

See also pages:
HIDDEN WORDS coded into the Bible texts,
LOCK ensuring formof the Bible,
wonderful PHENOMENA in the Bible,
miraculous FAMILY TREE of the Christ and
BIRTH of the Christ.
Interesting page is also God Is A Mathematician

He issued the results of his research and nobody was able to dispute their correctness. He wrote a letter to Editor-in Chief of the NEW YORK SUN as an answer to a challenge to "some champion of orthodoxy" to come into the arena of the SUN, and give its readers some "facts" in defence of the Christian religion. You can read Ivan Panin's letter to New York Sun here.

He even brought an action in court against his opponents but they didn't accept it. Some of them tried to make sentences with similar phenomena but they couldn't. This way Ivan Panin scientifically proved that Holy Bible is divine, not a human creation.

Holy Bible - New Testament

Click the picture above to open a page for free download of the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

Front Page
Happened in May
Meaning of Life
Life to Jesus
Birthday Cake
Evil in World
Ivan Panin
Family Tree
Hidden Words
Noah's Ark
Seeing Noah's Ark
Measures of Noah's Ark
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