Conditional Mercy

Does God forgive sins without conditions?

It is so easy to give your life to Lord Jesus Christ but to stay his own requires permanent will from your side, because God's mercy is conditional! This statement is based on the following texts in the Holy Bible:

1: "He that covers his transgressions shall not prosper: But whoso confesses and forsakes them shall obtain mercy". (Proverbs 28:13)

2: "Not every one that say unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matt. 7:21)

3: "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses,

neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matt. 6:14-15)

Lord Jesus Christ had just told about a man who demanded payment of a small loan from his brother in spite the fact that the king had just cancelled his huge loan. Because the man didn't want to cancel the small loan of his brother the king took back the cancellation of his loan and closed him into a prison.

This is what you should do for God's mercy

A: You should confess your sins as sins.

B: You should discard the things, attitudes, habits and deeds that are sins.

C: You should, without fail, obey your Lord Jesus Christ.

D: You should forgive everything to everybody.

You say: "I am not able to do that all. I can not change my habits. I can not forgive to that person." Holy Bible says: "Everything I am able to do in Him (in Lord Jesus Christ)

who strengthens me" Question is not how well you manage to fulfil the conditions but are you trying even. So it is a question about your attitude, do you will or not! If you try honestly then He (Lord Jesus Christ) will help you and He does not wait more from you.

Let this be you every day prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ. I am willing to live life according to Your will. Please, help me in
this and do possible everything that is impossible to me due to weakness of my flesh."

Happened in May

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