Life To Lord Jesus Christ

What it means to become a believer?

Would you like to give your life to Lord Jesus Christ, to become a children of God? If you will, you should know some basic things.

1. When you give your life to Lord Jesus Christ you, in fact, give Him authority over your life. Last word in things of your life is no longer yours, now it belongs to your lord Jesus.

2. When the highest authority over things in your life is not yours any more but of your lord Jesus (or God, the Creator),

it means that in all your doings you check if the thing is according to your lord's will or is it against your lord's will. If the thing is not along your lord's will, then you, from your own free will, leave it. From your own free will you continuously are seeking what your lord Jesus wants you to do and how to live. When you know it, you do it with joy. Just this, obedience to Jesus, shows who is His own and who is not.

3. What are you receiving? You receive lord who loves his owns and in

everything takes into account their best. As an example of this is, how He suffered the punishment that you ought to suffer due all the wrong things you have done. Other good thing is that his commandments are not heavy and you can keep them. Thirdly, He send to his owns the Comforter, Holy Spirit, who will help, advise and defend you and that way glorifies Lord Jesus. And fourthly, when you die, you will be allowed to live in Heaven with your Lord Jesus Christ. There is another possibility also, as you know...

This way you give your life to Lord Jesus Christ

Four Steps

A. Go somewhere where you can be alone, toilet works well, and close the door behind. This matter belongs only to you and Lord Jesus Christ, not to others.

B. Kneel on the floor and clasp your hands. Do this for your own self. Lord Jesus does not need this, but you do. This way you humble yourself in front of your Lord Jesus Christ.

C. Whisper to Jesus: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, I give my life to You. I thank You, that by your blood that you shed on the cross of Calvary, you reconciled my sins (all the things that are against your will). Give me now full assurance about saving and fill me with your Holy Spirit"

D. You can rise up. You have given your life to Lord Jesus Christ and are a children of God now.

What next?

Do everything that can be done with good conscience. If a thing bothers you, you should leave it. You can say to your friend who is wondering your new attitude that you accepted Jesus as your lord and that is why you do not keep the thing suitable to you anymore. Even if, from your point of view, the thing is harmless or "everybody does those things", leave it, because your lord Jesus guides you via you conscience. As long as you are obedient to your lord Jesus, you are His own.

Best way to learn how to live near God is to keep reading the Holy Bible and praying.
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both the New Testament and the Old Testament!

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Meaning of Life
Life to Jesus
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Evil in World
Ivan Panin
Family Tree
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